SPORNE OVLASTI U nepovrat otišli milijuni plasiranih kredita IRB-a RS
Republika Srpska će izgubiti miljune maraka koje je Investicijsko razvojna banka RS plasirala kroz kredite, zato što se oni neće moći…
Republika Srpska će izgubiti miljune maraka koje je Investicijsko razvojna banka RS plasirala kroz kredite, zato što se oni neće moći…
About 70% of parents in the Republika Srpska never pay alimony for their children. A survey by “Ponos” (Pride), the Banja Luka…
Hundreds of fathers brutally abuse the fact that after the breakup of a marriage and family union, children are most often entrusted with the care and custody of their mothers by not paying…
Avoiding paying alimony after a divorce or breakup has gone so far that some parents are ready to sue their own children to reduce the amount! At the same time, they hide assets by transferring…