SOLAR PARK IN NEVESINJE 'Etmax' granted concession, Russian investment?
The construction of a solar park in Nevesinje, for which the concession was granted to the company "Etmax" from Banja Luka, is expected to be…
The construction of a solar park in Nevesinje, for which the concession was granted to the company "Etmax" from Banja Luka, is expected to be…
The company "Etmax" from Banja Luka, which builds small solar power plants, is simultaneously working on a feasibility study for these power…
Kompanija “Etmax” iz Banje Luke, koja gradi male solarne elektrane, istovremeno radi elaborat o isplativosti ovih elektrana. Ovu javnu nabavku, pod vrlo čudnim okolnostima, &ldquo…
Poduzeće 'Etmax' iz Banja Luke traži od Vlade Republike Srpske koncesiju za izgradnju i korištenje, više od 100 milijuna maraka vrijedne, solarne fotonaponske elektrane 'Nevesinje'…